In the United States, approximately 540,000 businesses are started each month. Combine this with the millions of small- to medium-sized businesses already operating, and the future looks very bright, and potentially profitable, for a small-business coaching service. This hot opportunity will appeal to entrepreneurs who are past or present small-business owners, business managers, or corporate executives, especially those with strong marketing, administration, operations, and financial forecasting skills. Because there is a plethora of small-business training schools and courses offered by nonprofit government agencies and for-profit businesses in both countries, you will be well advised to specialize in a specific industry, such as retail or manufacturing, and to offer clients a more personalized one-on-one training service as opposed to a classroom setting. Small-business coaches help new and existing business owners with any number of tasks, including business planning, marketing strategies, financial budgets, logistics issues, technology issues, and expansion challenges
How to Be a Small-Business Coach
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